Saturday, April 17, 2010

Weekly Favorites and Gratitude!

My Weekly Favorites
Guest Posts that Featured BFS
For those who don't know, allowing less-known bloggers to post on better-known sites benefits the newbie way more than the well-established.  This newbie says thank you again!

Guest Posts on BFS

Car Negotiation Coach posted Did You Know Car Financing is Negotiable?

Guest posts introduce different points of view, bring in additonal readers, and allow me to take a day off.  Thank you.

If you would like to submit a guest post to BFS, please shoot me an idea or the actual post.  I'd also appreciate a one or two sentence introduction for the piece.  I'll get back to you quickly and will give you as much advance notice as possible on its posting date.

Blog Carnivals that Featured BFS
Carnival hosts, If BFS is in a blog carnival that you are running, please email me the link so it can be added to this weekly list.  Thanks!

Other Info
  • Jackie at Money Crush is also hosting a $100 Contest until May 12th in honor of the debt snowball app she created.  Please take a look!

Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions.  I'd love to add a few more blogs to my regular reading list or at least give a shout-out for great posts or contests.

As always, thanks to all the bloggers that teach me something new every day.  Thanks to all my commenters for making this blog the community I want it to be.  Thanks to all my lurkers too.  I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Crystal. It's great that you have learned so much from the blogosphere. I have too, especially when motivation to save is needed ;)
