Monday, May 31, 2010

Top Tips For Reducing Your Credit Card Debt

The following is a guest post by John, who works in financial management specializing in credit cards for bad credit.  He’s a keen blogger and has written several pieces on how to improve credit rating.

Millions of people in the UK use one or more credit cards and they’re an extremely popular form of payment throughout the rest of the World.

It’s easy to see why too; credit cards are an extremely convenient and easy method of payment. They can be used to purchase good or services either in stores or over the Internet, withdraw cash from bank machines, and can even be used as an easy form of identification. With added competition for credit cards, a myriad of incentives, loyalty schemes, and reward schemes are available with most credit cards, with the majority of them also offering insurance covering your purchases.

But whilst credit cards are handled well by some (usually using them in emergencies or utilizing the tips outlined below), they represent a dangerous way into financial difficulties as a worrying amount of people slip into unmanageable credit card debt.

This article is a guide looking at some of the steps you can take to manage and reduce your credit card debt, whilst improving your credit ratings at the same time. You will need patience and a lot of organization but it is more than possible for anyone to control their credit card debts.

Keep Up With Your Payments

The first point I want to make it that you should always try keep up your scheduled credit card repayments. If you can keep up your repayments on a regular basis you’ll be taking a huge step to improving your credit rating.

Make sure you’re aware of how long your payment will take to clear; cheque payments and some bank transfers will take a few days to clear, you need to take this into account in order to have your payments considered ‘on time’ by the credit card companies.

Should you miss your repayment date, you’ll be charged a penalty fee (which varies depending on the company), which will simultaneously make your financial management more difficult and lower your credit rating.

Pay More Than the Minimum

Secondly, do your best to pay more than the minimum amount required each month. You don’t need to be drastic, but making sure your payment exceeds the minimum required will mean you pay less in the long term (due to interest), get into a good financial management habit and improve your credit score.

Don't Exceed Your Limit

The next point is probably the most important for effectively managing your credit card debts; don’t EVER exceed the fixed credit limit dictated by the credit card company. It will create a bad financial habit and will add to a mounting debt that has the potential to spiral into serious financial difficulties.

Should you exceed your credit limit, you’ll be charged a penalty fee that will increase both your minimum repayment for the next month and the amount you have to pay in interest. Consistently going over your credit limit will result in a lowered credit rating, which can often be hard to recover from.

It might be a wise step to figure out what would be a sensible credit limit for you, then contacting the credit card company and requesting that they lower your credit limit. This is particularly advisable if they suddenly increase your credit limit, as this creates a heavy temptation to overspend.


The last tip is an important, albeit fairly general one. You need to get used to properly managing your monthly budget. Keep a proper track of what you spend, noting down exactly what you spent it on. You might well be surprised at what you’re spending your money on every month and if you can get a strong idea of your spending habits, you’ll have a far better chance of cutting down your monthly outgoings.

I’ll give you a fairly simple example, last month I saw I was buying a bottle of water every day on the way to work at 69p per bottle. This worked out to an average of £13.80 for 20 bottles. A quick trip to a local supermarket and I found 8 bottles of Evian mineral water on a ‘buy one get one free’ offer, priced at £1.91. I bought two 8 packs which gave me 32 bottles of water (enough for one every day of the month, plus a couple left over), for £3.82, giving me an overall monthly saving of £9.98.

As I said, it’s a fairly simple example but it shows you how you can cut down your monthly spend with a little forethought and organization, and those savings really add up in the long run.

Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Yakezie Alexa Ranking Update - 169,795

BFS is a member of the Yakezie Alexa Ranking Challenge!  My ranking last week was 206,145.  Now it is 169,795!  WOOT!!!  WHOO-HOO!!!  We did it!

The ultimate goal was to be in the top 200,000 by July 4, 2010.  YIPPEE!!!  BYE-BYE 200,000!!!

Now that we've blown that goal out of the water, I'm going to set the bar higher.  Could you all help me reach 100,000 by July 4?  It will truly be amazing if that happened since I seem to be finding my happy area now, but as most of you would say, you might as well aim high!

I would like to sincerely thank all of my readers and the members of the Yakezie Challenge.  Obviously, this would be impossible without all of you.  I'll just come out and say all kick butt!!!

In case you didn't know, Alexa traffic rankings are determined by the numbers of hits a site gets by people with the Alexa toolbar.  If you want to be part of this ranking community, you can download the Alexa toolbar here.  I'd truly appreciate it if you haven't already since I'd like all my readers to be taken into account.  :-)

If you are a Yakezie member and don't see yourself on my member list, please send me an email or leave a comment here to be added.  I copied the list originally and forget to update it regularly.  Please help a girl out.  Thanks!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekly Favorites and Gratitude!

My Weekly Favorites
Blog Carnivals that Featured BFS
Carnival hosts, thank you so much for the time you took to host!  Being chosen feels great!

If BFS is in a blog carnival that you are running, please email me the link so it can be added to this weekly list.  Thanks!

Other Info
  • Brad at Enemy of Debt is hosting a fund-raiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  He's selling the "I'm Debt Free" game and giving 100% of his commission until August 7th to Big Brothers Big Sisters!
  • Sweating the Big Stuff is having a Giveaway of three pf books based on his NEW Facebook Page.
Guest Posts on BFS

No guest posts this week, but if you would like to submit a guest post to BFS, please shoot me an idea or the actual post. I'd also appreciate a one or two sentence introduction for the piece. I'll get back to you quickly and will give you as much advance notice as possible on its posting date.

Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions.  I'd love to add a few more blogs to my regular reading list or at least give a shout-out for great posts or contests.

As always, thanks to all the bloggers that teach me something new every day.  Thanks to all my commenters for making this blog the community I want it to be.  Thanks to all my lurkers too.  I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fit in a Fun Friday - Bowling

My company just had its annual bowling tournament a few weeks ago.  My husband and I lost as usual, but we do have fun.  Bowling is just a mellow game.  How can you not enjoy good burgers and taking your frustrations out on a bunch of pins?

Until the non-smoking laws were passed a couple of years ago, my asthma caused us to avoid bowling alleys most of the time except for non-smoking bowling leagues.  Hubby even bought me a personalized cherry-scented bowling ball for a Valentine's Day a few years ago.  It's red and black, has my name on it, and still has a scent.  :-)

Now we can go bowling whenever and even take advantage of Friday and Saturday night specials.  We don't actually bowl very often due to our other hobbies like Curling and blogging, but we are hoping to join a league again next year.

As far as affordability, bowling seems to be about the same price as a dinner-and-a-movie night.  If you take advantage of specials in your area and skip the snack bar, it can be pretty inexpensive.  Sadly, hubby and I are addicted to bowling alley burgers.  We do shell out between $10-$15 a night at the snack bar alone. 

When we are in a league, it's usually $10 or $15 a person and we are able to earn back some of that ($20-$50 a person) through our team's overall scores.  Not too shabby.  :-)

How long has it been since you've been bowling?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

7 Rules to Succeed in Your Career

An article at Yahoo Finance, 7 New Rules For Getting Ahead, listed the following rules to keep in mind to stay ahead of the game in today's world:

Rule 1. You don't deserve a job.
Rule 2. You don't know enough.
Rule 3. Less stuff equals more freedom.
Rule 4. Prepare for many turns.
Rule 5. Entrepreneurs have an advantage.
Rule 6. Don't get addicted to your paycheck.
Rule 7. Loving what you do pays off.

Here my take on these:

Rule 1 - This hasn't seemed to change.  The best and brightest overachievers always get hired first...who would want to hire the underachievers first?

Rule 2 - Keeping yourself educated is so important since technology is changing things every day.

Rule 3 - The more stuff you own, the more maintenance requirements you take on.  Although I'm not an avid minimalist, it is just common sense that you will bogged down less if you own less stuff.

Rule 4 - Hardly anyone stays in the same job for their whole working life anymore.  Sometimes that is by choice and sometimes it's not.  Being prepared and staying qualified is essential for career survival.

Rule 5 - The article stated that entrepreneurs not only have the classic advantages of being their own boss, but even have the creative advantage of the entrepreneurial mindset when working for someone else.  I think this boils down to saying that creative thinking is appreciated no matter what your situation.

Rule 6 - This is the rule that trips me up.  It's hard not to "settle" for a paycheck.  As the article suggests, living below your means will give you the flexibility to take chances to better your working life.

Rule 7 - Obviously, finding a job you enjoy can be the difference between night and day.  As I've heard a hundred times before, it's not work if you enjoy it.  This is another rule that I break since I have settled into a position that isn't my passion.  Based on the millions of job reviews you can find online, it seems that this rule is the hardest to follow for quite a few people like me.

What rules above do you follow?  Which ones do you disagree with?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Estate Planning

I covered the main ways of diagnosing your financial health in this past post.  I've been using Wednesdays to go further in depth on each point since I truly believe that financial health leads to less stress and happier lives.

I have already covered the first six points - Spend Less Than You Earn, start an Emergency Fund, review Retirement Savings, evaluate Debt, Diversify your investments, and have enough Insurance.  The seventh point is to make sure you have an estate plan in place.

When you are looking to start an estate plan, you first need to answer these questions:

1.  What assets do I have and what are they worth?
2.  Who should receive those assets?
3.  Who should manage those assets if I can't?
4.  Who can take care of the kids?
5.  Who should make decisions on my behalf if I can't?
6.  How do I want my remains handled?

When you know the answers to those questions, you can successfully make a will, a power of attorney, and a medical power of attorney.  Most people seem to recommend consulting an estate lawyer to get the documentation completed and notarized.

During this process, I'd also get together all the official papers in one place.  Your remaining family will appreciate being able to easily find account numbers, insurance policies, and other emergency information.

In my marriage, I handle most of the day-to-day finances.  I know the account numbers and where the life insurance policies are.  I know the passwords and which bills need to be paid and when.  I also know where all the money is and how we like to move it around.  My husband and I have not had the official paperwork done yet, but I do have an "Emergency Pack" together that will hopefully never be needed.  But, if I die first, my husband will at least have access to all our accounts.

Do you have an estate plan in place already?  How about an emergency pack?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We Have Updated Our Monthly Budget

Since hubby's last grad school payment is ready to go and I severely overestimated our property taxes for 2009, we needed to revamp our monthly budget.  We want to pay off our car loan ASAP, so this is our new budget until December 2010:
  • Mortgage - $900.00
  • Car Debt - $650.00
  • Roth IRA - $300.00
  • Opportunity Fund - $120.00
  • Car Payment - $330.00
  • Car Insurance - $115.00
  • Gasoline - $200.00
  • Electricity - $200.00
  • Water - $30.00
  • AT&T U-Verse & DSL- $100.00
  • Sprint - $85.00
  • Groceries - $300.00
  • Fast Food / Restaurants - $200.00
  • Medical - $100.00
  • Misc. Bills - $100.00
  • Joint Entertainment - $100.00
  • Hubby's Fun Money - $125.00
  • My Fun Money - $125.00
  • Housekeeper - $100.00
  • Lawn Services - $50.00
  • Netflix - $20.00
  • Pet Account - $100.00
  • Car and Home Account - $200.00
  • Vacation Accountt - $250.00
  • Property Tax & Insurance Account - $0.00
  • Emergency Fund (currently has $10,000) - $0.00
  • Cash - $200.00
  • Total = $5000
That comes to $60,000 a year and we make $78,000 jointly.  Taxes, the pension, the 401k, and our benefits account for the other $18,000.

Unplanned expenses are taken from the appropriate target accounts.  Extra money from our hobby jobs is either put towards debt or split between the Emergency Fund (50%), the Vacation Account (25%), and our two individual Fun Money Accounts (12.5% each). 

As always, I am still donating my time and both of us donate our own fun money to the charities we love to support.

That's it - our new budget for quick car loan annihilation!

What do you think?  How has your budget been faring?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Financial Confession

I’ve been keeping something from you. I was either not going to tell you at all or wait until it is a non-issue, but why have a personal finance blog and not be completely honest about personal finance, right?

We spent $6000 in April 2009 on a really nice bedroom set of furniture and a Tempurpedic mattress. I’ve mentioned this before, but I did not mention that we financed the whole thing for 15 months at 0% interest.

Normally, that would not matter to me since we would already have had the cash, put it aside, and made interest off of it for 14 months before paying the bill in full. BUT we didn’t have the cash except for in our emergency fund, so we’ve been putting $350 a month aside while paying $50 a month to the bill. The bill is due in August and the money is ready to go for July, but it’s been slightly nerve-wracking knowing I owe big money for something I’ve been sleeping on for more than a year.

I knew we would never have to pay any interest since our emergency fund would have had us covered, but I still feel a bit sheepish about the whole thing. If I had lost my job or if hubby had become disabled, we would have been in trouble. We wouldn’t have needed to do anything drastic, but it would have been severely uncomfortable.

The upside to this confession is that I can now tell you that as of next month, that $350 a month is open to play with. Our tax account for the year is also polished off since I highly overestimated our property taxes last year, so that’s an extra $400 a month till the end of the year as well. Hubby’s final $2000 grad school payment is also ready to go, so we no longer need to funnel that $625 a month into a grad school account.

In short, an extra $1375 a month has opened itself up from now until December, so it looks like our $9500 car loan will definitely be paid off by the end of this year. We will also be able to open a second 2010 Roth IRA, but it will be funded from November 2010 to March 2011. After that, we are discussing what to do with the extra. We will continue to fund a second Roth IRA, but that will still leave us about $1000 extra a month to put towards the house or the emergency fund or whatever.

Let’s just say that I’m pretty happy and you may want to be in the room towards the end of November when we make that final Prius payment. :-)

What do you think? Were we nuts for taking on such a huge payment plan for bedroom furniture and a mattress? Should we be doing something different with the excess cash we have now?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Yakezie Alexa Ranking Update - 206,145

BFS is a member of the Yakezie Alexa Ranking Challenge!  My ranking last week was 245,385.  Now it is 206,145!  We are so close!

The ultimate goal is to be in the top 200,000 by July 4, 2010.  I'm giving weekly rank updates in order to track our progress.  Not too shabby for a blog that started at 8,531,858 when it joined the challenge in March 2010!

I would like to sincerely thank all of my readers and the members of the Yakezie Challenge.  Obviously, this would be impossible without all of you.

In case you didn't know, Alexa traffic rankings are determined by the numbers of hits a site gets by people with the Alexa toolbar.  If you want to be part of this ranking community, you can download the Alexa toolbar here.

If you are a Yakezie member and don't see yourself on my member list, please send me an email or leave a comment here to be added, thanks!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Weekly Favorites and Gratitude!

My Weekly Favorites
Guest Posts on BFS

Guest posts introduce different points of view, bring in additonal readers, and allow me to take a day off.  Thank you!

If you would like to submit a guest post to BFS, please shoot me an idea or the actual post.  I'd also appreciate a one or two sentence introduction for the piece.  I'll get back to you quickly and will give you as much advance notice as possible on its posting date.

Blog Carnivals that Featured BFS
Carnival hosts, thank you so much for the time you took to host!  Being chosen feels great!

If BFS is in a blog carnival that you are running, please email me the link so it can be added to this weekly list.  Thanks!

Other Info

Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions.  I'd love to add a few more blogs to my regular reading list or at least give a shout-out for great posts or contests.

As always, thanks to all the bloggers that teach me something new every day.  Thanks to all my commenters for making this blog the community I want it to be.  Thanks to all my lurkers too.  I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fit in a Fun Friday - Gardening

Okay, I'll admit it right now, I have a black thumb.  I am a plant killer.  Yet, even I have been drawn in by the lure of color.

Gardening may or may not be your cup of tea, but the results are usually worth it.  When we bought our home, it had grass in the front yard and a grass/weed mixture in the back.  I thought this would be fine to me since I don't spend much time outside of my own home, but two years ago, HGTV did me in. 

Just a few episodes of Designed to Sell convinced me that I needed some color and I needed it NOW!  In my tv show fervor, I seemed to forget that September in Houston is usually the end of planting season and that I can't keep plants alive even if my life (or wallet) depended on it.  That started the saga of digging up areas for flower beds and hunting down plants that could survive an owner like me.

After several failed attempts that month, I was finally able to get a surviving group of plants out front.  One Double Knock-Out rose bush got an area to itself.  Miniature Monkey Grass and Sun Proof Lily-Turf shared the walkway bed with two Caladiums.  A green shrub of some sort finally got the area next to the garage to itself since no other plants seemed to be able to survive.  I also bought a Red Dynamite Crepe Myrtle for the center of the yard to add the biggest splash of red possible.

The joke was on me.  That Crepe Myrtle hasn't bloomed since it was planted 2 years ago.  It gets taller and it gets greener, but I swear it's laughing at me.  So is the green anonymous is almost exactly the same size as 2 years ago - it looks healthy but it refuses to grow.  The Monkey Grass and Sun Proof Lily-Turf also look exactly the same but have killed one of the Caladiums, so the walkway no longer seems symmetrical to me.

In fact, only my rose bush seems to love me...she's the prettiest rose bush ever and blooms 9-10 months of the year.  She grew triple her starting size in one year alone.  I think all the other darn plants know that she's my favorite and are sticking it to me...

Anyway, as you can tell from the before and after pics below, my front yard is at least more interesting than before.  All the plants I have now seem healthy, and I refuse to replace anything that survives through a year with me (just ask my hubby, lol).

Do you have a garden?  If so, are you more into flowers or vegetables or herbs?  Do any of your plants hate you too?



Anonymous Shrub and Accidentally Planted Mother's Day Roses

Monkey Grass and Sun Proof Lily-Turf with Remaining Caladium

Rosie the Rose Bush in Bloom Last Year
(She Was Just Pruned in the Overall Pic Above)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

8 Money-Saving Credit Card Hacks

The following guest post was written by Alban, who is a regular writer at Credit Card Finder.

Oftentimes the best credit card hacks are hidden to us because we didn't even know they existed. While some of these perks are clearly stated in the small print of your credit card agreement, a lot of these are only available to those who dare to ask.

1. Can't pay your bill this month? Delay it:
If you have a good existing credit rating with your lender and suddenly find yourself in a situation that won't allow you to pay off your credit card this month, call your lender at once and explain the situation. Then ask for an extension of another 30 days to pay the bill. Chances are that if you have a good standing with your lender, they will agree and give you some slack.

2. Need more credit? Increase your limit:
If you have an upcoming holiday where money and plenty of funds are essential, then why not ask for a credit limit increase. A great sneaky tactic to get your increase approved fast is if you plan on making a larger purchase like buying a TV or renovating your home.

3. Bargain for a lower interest rate:
The easiest way to do this is by telling your lender you're considering a better offer from the competition. Be friendly and not accusing while bargaining. It will get you much further.

4. Paid late? Waive the fee:
Sometimes circumstances are out of your hands. You might lose Internet connection while paying your bill online and suddenly find yourself in a situation where you get charged a late fee because the bill wasn't paid on time. In those moments, you might be able to request a fee being removed from your account because it wasn't your fault.

5. Merchant surcharges removal:
This is more interesting for US consumers as some states prohibit the addition of credit card surcharges. In Australia, this is perfectly legal if the merchant is within reason, e.g. to cover excess costs.

6. Warranty matters:
When you pay for large purchases with your credit card, the lender might match your warranty. This saves you from having to pay for extended warranty periods. Check with your lender to be sure.

7. Consider renting a car?
You might be eligible for free rental car insurance: It is worth checking this with your card provider because you can easily save a few hundred dollars in the process of hiring a car for a longer holiday.

8. Are you missing out on freebies?
You might qualify for free hotel accommodation, free upgrades and the likes with your credit card's rewards program. It pays to check because some of these freebies are worth hundreds of dollars. Join Perkler to search for your loyalty program and find out all the perks and discounts you are eligible for.

Crystal's Note:  I like the fact that my Discover has the optional perk of paying $69.95 for any road side assistance.  I haven't used it, but I like to know I have a backup option.

Do you know of any other credit card hacks? 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Insurance Coverage

I covered the main ways of diagnosing your financial health in this past post.  I've been using Wednesdays to go further in depth on each point since I truly believe that financial health leads to less stress and happier lives.

I have already covered the first five points - Spend Less Than You Earn, start an Emergency Fund, review Retirement Savings, evaluate Debt, and Diversify your investments.  The sixth point is to make sure you are insured correctly.  This means having the right amount of health insurance, car insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and homeowner's insurance.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is vital for good financial health since health problems can cost so much.  I'd suggest having a policy that at least covers the basic doctor visits and emergency situations.  I'd also pick a deductible that wouldn't eat my whole emergency fund.

I have the standard plan offered by my company for free.  My copay is $25 a visit.  I pay $10 for generic prescriptions and $30 for preferred medicines.  If I need more than 3 months, I have to order it from Medco in 3 month supplies for 2 1/2 times the regular charge.  Wellness visits like annual women's exams are 100% covered.  My annual deductible is $600 in-network and $1500 out-of-network.  I haven't needed major medical attention yet, so all I've dealt with is doctor's visits and Medco.

I also get free vision and dental insurance.  My annual eye doctor visits cost $20, I can get basic new lenses for free every year, and I get $150 or less frames for free every 2 years.  That's all I've taken advantage of.  Contacts would be covered too, but I can't imagine putting those in every day. 

My bi-annual preventative dental visits are free.  If I need any work, I pay 20% for basics and 50% for any major work.  So far, I've only used the free preventative visits although I keep getting "suggestions" to get braces.  Yes, I have a little front-teeth overlap.  No, it's not medically relevant.  I don't look freakish, so I don't care.  Braces hurt.  I'm a weenie.  No braces for me.  Can't he just be happy that I don't have cavities and move on?

Car Insurance

Please don't make me explain the importance of car insurance.  In Texas, it's illegal to drive without it.  Collision and comprehensive coverage is optional if you own your car outright and will cover your car in accidents.  Liability covers the people and cars you hurt.  If you don't have any sort of car insurance, please get some.

My husband and I have a joint policy with Geico and pay $110 a month for full coverage on his Prius and liability only for my Aveo.  We have a $500 deductible.  I chose to stop paying for comprehensive and collision coverage for my car since it's only worth about $4000.  If it's wrecked, I'll buy another car using our emergency fund.

That $110 a month amount includes free towing to the closest manufacturer's dealer, which did come in handy for me.  One tow made up for years of the $7 I was paying every 6 months.  It also kept me from stressing out when my car overheated, so I'm a happy customer.

Life Insurance

Life insurance covers your family in situations I rather not think about.  I've heard recommendations ranging from none at all to a few million.  It's a personal choice.  I personally recommend having enough to leave your family with emotional trauma only.  If you have a giant emergency fund, you might not need as much insurance.  If you have a giant mortgage or kids, I'd suggest taking that into account.

We don't have kids and can live on one of our salaries if necessary, so we only have $100,000 life insurance policies right now.  My company gives me a free $37,000 policy and I pay $1.11 every 2 weeks for an additional $60,000 of coverage.

That $100,000 would cover the rest of the mortgage (about $70,000), the car (about $9,000), the cremation and viewing expenses (about $6,000 in our area), and leave $15,000 (6 months of living expenses without a mortgage) to be combined with our emergency fund for whatever time off we'd need to take.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance covers a part of your salary if you are unable to work.  Mine covers 65% of my salary, but it would be tax free since I pay for it with after-tax money.  Short-term disability will usually cover you in circumstances that last 2 weeks to 6 months.  Long-term disability covers from 6 months until the policy says it ends.  Mine says it will cover me until my "normal retirement age".  I pay about $10.00 every two weeks for both types.

I'd highly suggest disability insurance since I can't think of a worse situation that being disabled and not able to contribute to our joint dreams anymore.  Honestly, if I die, I'll be dead and hope my husband will be okay.  If I'm disabled, I'd wallow and that would only get worse if I was unemployed and broke.

Homeowner's Insurance

Unless you own your home outright, homeowner's insurance is required.  Even when we pay off our home, I'd continue our policy since it helps when really awful things happen to your house.  The trick to picking out the right homeowner's policy seems to be to go with as high of a deductible as you are willing to stomach and enough coverage for major problems.

Our policy is $765 a year in Spring, TX and covers our house up to it's "rebuild" price of $165,000.  We chose a 1% deductible for everything but tropical storm damage, which is at 2%.  It also includes $80,000 of coverage for the items in our home, which is more than enough for us.  We spend another $320 a year on flood insurance from the state since policies in our area never include flood insurance already.

Do you agree with my take above?  Did I leave something out?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

BFS Site Problems - Are You Having Trouble Leaving Comments?

Hi everybody!

I was replying to comments last week and multiple browser windows started opening and wouldn't stop until I shut down my laptop and restarted. This happened two times in 5 days and I just thought it was my old laptop.

Yesterday I received this email from a reader:

"Hey, I just wanted to check if you know whether anyone else is experiencing this when they comment on your blog. The last couple times I've commented on your blog in IE, it goes crazy afterward opening up tabs and I have to do an end task on IE 7 to get it to stop. If I try to comment on my phone instead, sometimes it doesn't work at all."

I left this problem in the Blogger forum and have posted with the Yakezie bloggers as well.  I apologize if this has caused you any problems.

Have you had this problem when commenting on BFS?  Do you happen to be way techier than me and know what's going on?

Too Much Sugar in Our Food

Funny about Money brought up a good point in Gimme That Ole-time Real Food…, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and sugar seem to be added to everything to make it more addictive.  I didn't even know that Hellmann's sixth ingredient is sugar.

As a true carb addict, I never thought I'd write these words, but maybe there is too much sugar in our food.  There really is no reason that HFCS needs to be in as many things as it is.  I even found it as an ingredient in a canned spaghetti sauce we have.  Sugar was listed in our Prego and the Kroger brand, but HFCS was the third ingredient in the canned no-name brand.  Weird.

I'm going to start paying closer attention since there's no reason to make weight loss even harder on myself.  If I can successfully cut out just a quarter to a half of the HFCS I usually consume every day, it would be healthier and will probably make losing weight a little easier.  I'm going to cut myself down to no more than 3 sodas a week and try to pick foods that have short ingredient lists that don't start out with a kind of sugar.

I'm not going to make any promises, but I'll make a valid attempt.  It may take me a while to give up my sugar-addict ways.

Do you already pay attention to the sugar in your food?  If sugar isn't your poison, what is?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Suggested Questions for the Always Broke

Yahoo Finance had the article, 8 Questions for the Constantly Broke, and I thought they were worth rehashing.  Here's their questions and my take on them:

1.  Do I know where my money is going? 

I do believe that the first step of getting finances under control is to keep up with what you are spending your money on.  If you don't know what you are spending on, how can you cut the fat?

2.  Am I focusing too much on the month, instead of the year? 

The point of this question in the article was to suggest keeping up with one-time annual expenses as well as normal monthly ones.  That's a great idea.  We started our car and home maintenance fund after being "surprised" by our homeowner's insurance the year after we bought our house.  We haven't ignored annual expenses since then.

3.  Do I do something everyday that wastes money? 

Daily habits like soda, lunches out, beer, smoking, etc can all kill a budget.  My hubby cut back on soda when he realized how much money and calories were being wasted.  I started saving a ton of money for us by starting to bring my lunch to work this year.  I'm so proud that I've only eaten out three times for lunch in 2010.

4.  Do I know my own weakness? 

For us, this falls into the same category as daily habits.  My weakness was eating out and I still have a slight addiction to Shirt Woot.  My husband's weakness is hobbies...we started fun money accounts so we could see exactly how much hobby spending was costing.  Now he balances his hobbies with a set amount of money so our monthly budget isn't messed up.

5.  Am I saving too much? 

The point of the article was that if you have high interest debt, you shouldn't be saving more than makes sense - receive the maximum company matching on your 401k, but funnel the rest towards the debt.  I completely agree since high interest debt sucks money out of your wallet faster than a vacuum cleaner.

6.  Is my relationship hurting my bank account? 

I know that love isn't controllable, but I do think you can choose some habits to be attracted to.  My husband and I both agree that part of our attraction was the fact we had similar of those is fiscal responsibility.  We just wouldn't be as close if we didn't hold the same goal to save and have a comfortable early retirement.

7.  Are the big items dragging me down? 

The big expenses really do hurt the most.  Even if you cut as many small expenses as possible, that probably wouldn't come close to how much you spend on a mortgage, car, health, debt, and grocery payments.  Our largest budget cut was our food bill this year.  Eating at home more often is actually saving us more than $2400 this year alone since we successfully cut $200 off our monthly food budget.

8.  Am I wasting money by carrying debt? 

As I mentioned above, debt eats money.  The less debt you have, the more money you'll have for things you choose in life.

In short, this article seemed spot on to me.  What do you think?  Would you add anything to this list of questions?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yakezie Alexa Ranking Update - 245,385

BFS is a member of the Yakezie Alexa Ranking Challenge!  My ranking last week was 291,555.  Now it is 245,385!

The ultimate goal is to be in the top 200,000 by July 4, 2010.  I'm giving weekly rank updates in order to track our progress.  Not too shabby for a blog that started at 8,531,858 when it joined the challenge in March 2010!

I would like to sincerely thank all of my readers and the members of the Yakezie Challenge.  Obviously, this would be impossible without all of you.

In case you didn't know, Alexa traffic rankings are determined by the numbers of hits a site gets by people with the Alexa toolbar.  If you want to be part of this ranking community, you can download the Alexa toolbar here.

If you are a Yakezie member and don't see yourself on my member list, please send me an email or leave a comment here to be added, thanks!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekly Favorites and Gratitude!

My Favorite Posts this Week
Blogs That Featured a BFS Guest Post
Thank you very much for inviting me on to your site!

Blog Carnivals that Included BFS
Thanks! I appreciate all the time hosts spend on this process.  It's a great feeling to be chosen!

Carnival hosts, if BFS is in a blog carnival that you are running, please email me the link so it can be added to this weekly list. Thanks!

Guest Posts on BFS

No guest posts this week, but if you would like to submit a guest post to BFS, please shoot me an idea or the actual post.  I'd also appreciate a one or two sentence introduction for the piece.  I'll get back to you quickly and will give you as much advance notice as possible on its posting date.

Other Info

Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions.  I'd love to add a few more blogs to my regular reading list or at least give a shout-out for great posts or contests.

As always, thanks to all the bloggers that teach me something new every day.  Thanks to all my commenters for making this blog the community I want it to be.  Thanks to all my lurkers too.  I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fit in a Fun Friday - The Zoo

One of my high school friends, Maggie, invited my husband and me to come visit about a month ago and take a tour of her job.  I know a private tour of somebody's job doesn't sound like that much fun...unless they work at a zoo! 

Yep, we got a free private tour of a zoo!

It was great.  We were able to feed Jeffrey the giraffe and Babe the rhino (you can see their pictures below...well Babe's booty and her companion's pic).  My friend also told us the histories of each animal she knew and the funny stories that have happened along the way.

They have one elephant that seems to take offense at inanimate objects...she mangled a fence without even trying.  We also met a wild turkey that refused to settle down...I swear, he thought we were really after his woman and could stay completely puffed up for hours on end.  He's going to give himself a heart attack. 

The last picture is of Mukah, an orangutan that really thinks he is human...
By the time we had seen the whole place, I felt like I had known those animals for years.

I also remembered the ton other zoo visits I have enjoyed.  My parents enjoyed taking my sisters and me to whatever zoo or wildlife preserve that was in each city we lived in or visited.  I honestly can't remember the number of times I've been to the Houston Zoo.

My husband and I have continued that tradition as well.  We even visited the New Orleans Zoo a few months before Katrina hit.

There's just something special about seeing all of those animals that reminds you that you're just one small dot in a much bigger picture. 

It's also an outing that usually runs about the same price as a trip to the movie theater - tickets range from $5 to $15 for an adult and less for children.  Most zoos also allow you to bring water bottles and picnic lunches as well.

Have you been to the zoo lately?  Do you remember any fun visits in the past?

Do You Escrow? Guest Post at Free Money Finance...Check it Out :-)

My guest post, Do You Escrow?, is up at Free Money Finance today.  It's a quick intro to escrow and an explanation of why my husband and I don't use that service.  Please take a look if you get a chance!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Crappy Companies and Front-Running Favorites

I read Frugal Scholar's post, Virgin Mobile: Worst Customer Service Ever: Move Over Chico's, and thought this would be a great time to bring up the companies I truly despise and the ones that I sincerely appreciate.

Crappy Companies:
  • Fedex - My most recent experience has convinced me to avoid them as much as possible in the future.  There will be a post about it as soon as everything is wrapped up.
  • Comcast - Multiple awful customer service experiences regarding glitchy hardware after Time Warner was bought out by Comcast caused us to move to AT&T U-Verse.
  • General Motors - As I posted earlier this week, I will never give Chevy my money again after the multiple problems due to poor materials on my Aveo in the last 6 months even though it has less than 42,000 miles.
  • Chase - When we were moved over from WAMU, Chase double-charged our $900 mortgage payment and took a little more than 3 weeks to credit it back to our account.  We actually received the credit exactly 5 days before our next mortgage payment was due.
  • Gentle Dental - Wiggled while they gave me the shot for pain (that hurt ALOT) and then kept accidentally spraying me in the face since the doctor and assistant were too busy talking to each other to notice.
Front-Running Favorites
  • ING Direct - Unknown to me, ING accidentally paid a bill 3 days before my scheduled billing date last year, called me to explain their mistake as soon as they notices their error, offered to waive any overdraft fees that might occur (not a problem since we have $1000 padding built-in to our checking accounts), and credited my account with the lost interest.  I was most impressed by the actual call explaining the mistake mere hours after they found out.
  • Discover Card - Two businesses have accidentally double-charged my card and Discover was easy to use online and over the phone.
  • AT&T U-Verse - I called to extend my discount rate since my salary had been frozen for another year, but they had already extended it an extra 2 months.  The rep also secured me an additional $10 one-time discount just because I called and "AT&T is trying to help out customers that are suffering in this economic climate".  The icing on the cake is that the next bills were actually for the stated amounts and continue to be correct!  That never happened when Comcast offered us a credit.
What companies have lost or earned your continued business?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I covered the main ways of diagnosing your financial health in this past post.  I've been using Wednesdays to go further in depth on each point since I truly believe that financial health leads to less stress and happier lives.

I have already covered the first four points - Spend Less Than You Earn, start an Emergency Fund, review Retirement Savings, and Debt.  The fifth point was to diversify your investments.  This means making a list of your investments and the amount invested in each one.

Type of Accounts

First, I'd highly suggest investing in different types of accounts.  For example, compound interest in a 401k is taxable when you start making your retirement withdrawals since you contribute pre-tax income.  The compound interest of a Roth IRA is not taxable since you contribute post-tax money.  By investing in taxable and non-taxable accounts for retirement, you can balance your withdrawals to stay in the lowest tax bracket possible in your later years.

We invest in a 401k and a Roth IRA (hopefully two soon) in order to cover our retirement years along with my husband's pension.  We also make investments in individual stocks in a Scottrade account to cover the years between our target retirement age of 52 and our "normal retirement age". 

By diversifying accounts, I hope we have our retirement bases covered.

Type of Investments

The second really important part of diversification is to make sure that you aren't too heavily invested in any one company.  CNN Money and countless blogs suggest never investing more than 10% in any one company/stock.  I agree with never putting all your eggs in one basket, so this seems like fantastic advice.  Honestly, do you want your retirement on the line if a company doesn't do as well as expected or crashes completely?

We are invested in about 15 different individual stocks in our Scottrade account right now.  We are currently breaking the 10% rule for Johnson and Johnson and Pepsi since their prices had crashed low enough to really gorge, but a combination of investing more elsewhere and selling some for profit will rectify this situation within the next year. 

The 401k and Roth IRA are in separate target date mutual funds that are spread out through a ton of domestic and foreign stocks and a few bonds.  We're in our mid-late 20's, so our retirement accounts are heavily invested in equities.  As we near retirement, our investments will be moved to less risky categories since we want our money to be safely waiting for us down the road.

By diversifying in as many categories as possible, all of your money as a whole will be safer in general.

Are you safely diversified?  Or are you in a similar Pepsi or J&J-loving position as us?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our Food Budget

After reading other blogs and seeing the comments left on this post, I realize that my husband and I have a very different food budget than most others in the personal finance world.  That spurred me to come's where our food money has gone in 2010:

1.  Kroger's - We spend about $125 a month for perishables like whole milk, Country Crock margarine spread, real butter, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, other fruit that is in season and cheap, Digiorno pizzas, hot dogs, Manager Special steaks, frozen Tilapia, and necessary parts of a menu that we don't buy in bulk.

2.  Sam's Club - We spend about $30 a month on steaks, boneless skinless chicken breasts, pork chops, frozen green beans, frozen corn on the cob, Honey Nut Cheerios, Nature's Own Honey Wheat bread, and potato chips.  I usually make a Sam's Club run once every 2 -3 months.

3.  Angel Food Ministries - Whenever we like the monthly menu for their Signature Box, we buy 1 or 2 boxes at $30 each.  Each box gives us enough food for at least 10 meals and sides for a few more.

4.  Walmart - We spend about $50 a month on cleaning supplies, hygiene products, hamburger meat, sandwich meat, and miscellaneous food items that are cheaper there than at Kroger with my coupons.

5.  Restaurants and Fast Food - We eat out at least 1-2 times a week and it adds up to about $200 a month.  It would be more if I wasn't such a fan of value menus and soups.

Altogether we spend about $400 on food every month, which is actually down from the $600 a month we were spending last year.  We've started eating at home much more which allows us to buy in bulk and throw less away. 

I do use coupons, but not to the extent of true couponers.  I simply spend 20 minutes at work every week cutting out ones that may come in handy and putting them into my wallet.  Before checking out, I pull my cart over in a vacant aisle and spend 2 minutes grabbing out the coupons that match cart items.  I do not even look at the coupons until I'm done shopping since I don't want the coupons to entice me to buy something that wasn't on my list or buy a different brand.

Our dinners usually consist of a grilled protein seasoned by hubby and two sides.  Most frequently, these sides are mashed potatoes, green beans, corn on the cob, carrots, or rice.  We also make salads, Pizza Hut Sandwiches (the most delicious and fattening toasted sandwich ever), soft tacos, chili, pasta, taco salad, hamburgers, and hot dogs every month or two as well.  We try a new recipe every once in a while and add it to the normal rotation if it was good.

As you can see, our diet isn't the healthiest ever, but it looks way better than last year.  Please just take this as the food confession it is and a quick summary of our personal food budget.

Does your food budget include more organic and free range choices?  Or does it look similar to ours?

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Crappy Car

About a month ago, I mentioned car problems.  Here's the whole story of my crappy car so far.

The Car

I own a 2005 Chevy Aveo that I bought brand new for $11,200 on a 5 year loan.  I ended up paying a total of about $12,800 by the time I paid it off 2 years later.  It's currently 5 years old and has driven about 42,000 miles.  I bought it because I needed an inexpensive car, I was young enough to think that used cars sucked, and I only needed a commuter vehicle.

For 4 years, my Aveo did its job with only a few minor problems.  It slowly leaks about an inch of brake fluid every 4-6 months which I refill on my own now for $2 a shot.  It also wears down good tires every 2 1/2 years or 20,000 miles.

I've stuck to the maintenance schedule in the owner manual since I first bought it, so I thought I would be okay until at least 2012.

The First Situation

Last November (2009), my check engine light popped on while I was heading to work.  I was worried, so I stopped by my mechanic who was 5 miles away.  It took him 10 minutes to find out that my 02 sensor was broken and my serpentine belt was cracked.  My car had less than 39,000 miles at this point. 

Luckily, my husband had the day off and drove me into work.  My supervisor lives in my direction and was able to drop me off on his way home.  Since my mechanic could get the parts from a dealer nearby, I was able to pick up my car that afternoon but had to fork over $540 total with tax.  But it worked, so I swallowed my annoyance and hoped for the best.

The Second Situation

This April I was driving home from work and my A/C started blowing hot air that smelled a little.  It took me 2 miles of feeder road before I noticed that my car's thermostat gauge was reading a big fat H for hot.  After pulling over and calling my husband, I opened the hood and it looked like some icky liquid had exploded all over the place.

I called my mechanic and asked what I should do.  Obviously he suggested having it towed in so they could take a look.  I wrote down his address.  I then called our insurance company to see if I had towing on my policy.  I did and she sent out a tow truck to my location.  By that time my husband was waiting with me and I was so proud of not freaking out.  Let's just say I don't usually handle stress very well.

My mechanic called me the next morning with the happy news that my thermostat housing had cracked in half.  I knew this was coming since I had googled "Chevy Aveo Overheating" the night before and the first page of results all mentioned broken thermostat housings for the 2004-2006 models.  Why?  Because they used cruddy plastic housings instead of metal ones like everybody else.

My mechanic quoted $375 plus tax, which was similar to mentioned prices online, so I gave him the go ahead.  It was ready that afternoon and cost $343 total.  My crappy plastic thermostat housing was replaced with a much better metal one and now the car is driving fine again.

The Official Complaint

Call me crazy, but I do not think I should have to spend $900 on major parts in less than 6 months on a car with less than 42,000 miles! 

I emailed an official complaint to GM's customer service department detailing everything.  I received a phone call a few days later, went over the specifics, and was told that Paul would get back to me the next day.  Paul did not call.  I left a voicemail a week later and received a call back the next morning.  Since none of the parts that were replaced were part of a recall or replaced by a Chevrolet dealership, there's nothing they can do. 

He was nice enough to tell me that there was a recall for part of the electronics system though - they need to reprogram my Engine Control Module.  Fantastic. *heavy sarcasm*

I have filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau and Consumer Affairs.  I also see a Hyundai Accent or Toyota Yaris in my future.  Maybe a used Prius since my husband's has worked out so well...hmmm...choices, choices.

Any car horror stories out there?  Any suggestions for my next car?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

We spent yesterday evening with my in-laws and we're spending today with my parents.  Hope my mom likes the two Double Knockout rose bushes I got her (that my lawn guy accidentally planted, sheesh)...

Along this line of thought, do parents really appreciate homemade gifts from their kids?  Even the obviously crappy ones like the blue ash tray I made out of playdough for my mom when I was 5 even though no one in my family smokes?  LOL

Hope everyone's day goes well!

Yakezie Alexa Ranking Update - 291,555

BFS is a member of the Yakezie Alexa Ranking Challenge!  My ranking last week was 369,629.  Now it is 291,555!

The ultimate goal is to be in the top 200,000 by July 4, 2010.  I'm giving weekly rank updates in order to track our progress.  Not too shabby for a blog that started at 8,531,858 when it joined the challenge in March 2010!

I would like to sincerely thank all of my readers and the members of the Yakezie Challenge.  Obviously, this would be impossible without all of you.

In case you didn't know, Alexa traffic rankings are determined by the numbers of hits a site gets by people with the Alexa toolbar.  If you want to be part of this ranking community, you can download the Alexa toolbar here.

If you are a Yakezie member and don't see yourself on my member list, please send me an email or leave a comment here to be added, thanks!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weekly Favorites and Gratitude!

My Favorite Posts this Week
Blog Carnivals that Included BFS
Thanks! I appreciate all the time hosts spent on this process.  It's a great feeling to be chosen!

Carnival hosts, if BFS is in a blog carnival that you are running, please email me the link so it can be added to this weekly list. Thanks!

Guest Posts on BFS

No guest posts this week, but if you would like to submit a guest post to BFS, please shoot me an idea or the actual post.  I'd also appreciate a one or two sentence introduction for the piece.  I'll get back to you quickly and will give you as much advance notice as possible on its posting date.

Other Info
  • Jackie at Money Crush is hosting a $100 Contest until May 12th in honor of the debt snowball app she created.  Please take a look!
  • Mrs. Frugal at Cool to be Frugal is having a PUR Water Filtration System Giveaway until tomorrow, May 9th!  She's giving away one PUR Water Filtration System that includes one disposable filter!
  • Free From Broke is having a Magic Jack Giveaway until May 14th!  He's giving away a Magic Jack and 1 year of service!
  • Brad at Enemy of Debt is hosting a fund-raiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  He's selling the "I'm Debt Free" game and giving 100% of his commission until August 7th to Big Brothers Big Sisters!

Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions.  I'd love to add a few more blogs to my regular reading list or at least give a shout-out for great posts or contests.

As always, thanks to all the bloggers that teach me something new every day.  Thanks to all my commenters for making this blog the community I want it to be.  Thanks to all my lurkers too.  I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fit in a Fun Friday - Picnics

Picnics make me feel light and fluffy since it involves socializing, nature, and sandwiches.  I also love the fact that they require people to talk.  They get usually quiet people (not me) to open up.  Oh, and they are really cheap.

In college, there were a few stone tables outside that were perfectly situated under trees and surrounded by 3 dorms.  I'd splurge on a $1.50 loaf of bread, a $2.50 container of peanut butter, and a $2.50 jar of strawberry jam just so I could sit at the table and stop friends and random strangers that were wandering by. 

College kids always stop for free food.  By the time they finished their sandwich, we had each made a new friend or at least got to get some of the days worries off our minds.

After college, picnics became little romantic dates with my husband.  We usually take some cracked corn as well for any ducks or birds that are around.  Easy sandwiches, iced tea, good conversation, and wildlife always makes me smile.

In short, picnics are relaxing.  You can even find parks with playground equipment that your children would enjoy.  $5 of sandwich materials (or salad, leftovers, etc), a place to sit, and hopefully another person or two is all it takes to have fun.

Do you enjoy picnics?  How long has it been since you ate outside?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Special That Sucked Me In...

I realized when I read Suckered By the Discount? at A Gai Shan Life that I had just fallen prey to a special the day before.  The point of the post was to remind you that discounts and specials only save you money if you were going to buy it anyway.  They end up "suckering" you if the discount or special is what causes you to shop to start with...

I fell prey to a jewelry special.  I received a mailed ad in April that said that Zales was selling a sterling silver and diamond accent heart pendant and chain for Mother's Day for $19.99 instead of their "regular" $119.00 price.  Of course I knew that they'd never be able to get $119, but the $20 price tag was calling my name.  I immediately thought, "Wow, that's just too good to pass up."  Yep, I was sucked in.

I thought about that ad for the rest of the day and even put the days of the special on my calendar.  I thought that the pull of the deal would wear off in the couple of weeks before the sale, but it didn't.  I ended up going to Zales the first day of the special right after work.

Even though they were out of the necklaces by the time I got there, they were "helpfully" taking layaway orders for them at the $20 price if I would be willing to wait 4-8 weeks for them to arrive.  I was fine with that and ended up ordering 5 of these things for $108.20 with tax!
My thinking is that I'll have one for my mom, both of my younger sisters, my grandma, and myself - like diamond friendship necklaces for all my girls.  I'm hoping I can give them out all at once in September but they could still be considered birthday gifts for everybody since all of their birthdays fall between September and November.

Yeah, I'm a sucker and I'm cheap...this post is making me look really
So I'm okay with my purchase since I think they will be appreciated,  BUT I'd be $108 richer right now if I had never seen that special in the mail.

Have you been sucked in by a discount or special before?  Feel silly (like me) later?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I hit on the main ways of diagnosing your financial health in this past post.  I'm going to use Wednesdays to go further in depth on each point since I truly believe that financial health leads to less stress and happier lives.

I have already covered the first three points - Spend Less Than You Earn (you can use free budget software), start an Emergency Fund, and review Retirement Savings.  The fourth point was to take a look at your debt.  This means actually making a list of your debts and coming up with an agressive plan of attack.

Make a List of Your Debts
There are a variety of debt elimination methods, but I'd start with prioritizing your list of debts.  Place your high interest debts like credit cards or payday loans at the top and your lower interest debts like car loans, mortgages, and student loans at the bottom.  I'd go even further and list the high interest debts from least to most actual debt and do the same for the lower interest ones as well.  This completed list will show you which debt to attack first.

As a side note, high interest debt is so detrimental to your overall financial health, I'd rate its importance above most retirement savings.  If I had debt that was at 10% or more, I'd keep a two month emergency fund, only contribute the minimum needed to get my full employer match on my 401k, and then I'd take care of the debt.

Attack the Debts in Order
In order to pay down debt, you will need extra money every month- you'll need to consistently spend less than you earn.  While paying the minimums on all debts, your extra money should be applied to the first debt on the list mentioned above until it's completely wiped out.  After paying off one debt, put that entire amount towards the next debt on the list.  Repeat this process until you are completely debt free.

Freedom from high interest debt will give you options and lighten your mental load significantly.  Freedom from all debt will give you I've heard.  :-)

Our Debt Situation
As I write this post, my husband and I have about $10,000 left on a 4.6% interest car loan we took out in 2008 and $73,000 left on our 5.375% interest mortgage.  Since finally coming to my senses at the beginning of this year, we are hitting the car loan pretty hard whenever possible.  We've been overpaying our mortgage by $160 a month since it started in 2007.  We're currently on track to have the car paid off sometime in 2011 and our home paid off by the end of 2017.  I cannot wait for the feeling and options that come with complete debt freedom.

How about you?  What kind of debts are you trying to eradicate?  Do you have any suggestions for us?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Multiple Accounts for Easy Budgeting

Budgets, like the people who use them, come in a variety of packages.  Our budget lists our basic expenses and a few different savings accounts we push money into every month (few being like 7...).  As the manager of our budget, I find it much easier if I have separate accounts for each of those goals.

Here are the extra accounts we have at ING (currently at 1.1%) and Smarty Pig (currently at 2.15%):
  • Emergency Fund - The cash we have set aside for job loss or anything unexpected that the other accounts won't cover.
  • Taxes and Insurance - We don't escrow, so we put aside money every month for property taxes and homeowner's insurance.
  • Auto and Home Maintenance - Ever since we paid my car off, we've been paying ourselves that payment for future car and home costs.  We upped that amount when we bought our house but are keeping it somewhat minimal since we're trying to pay off my husband's car as quickly as possible.
  • Roth IRA and Stocks - We put extra money here even though we also contribute automatically to the Roth IRA.  We use this extra money as an opportunity fund.
  • Vacations - We save here for our big annual vacations and our smaller weekend trips.
  • Hubby's Fun Money - This is for anything he has a craving for.
  • My Fun Money - This is for my hobbies and habits like Shirt Woot.
It would be totally possible to use just one account for all of these, but I like being able to take a very quick inventory without worrying if I remembered to update my Excel sheet that month.  It works for us.

What works for you?

Monday, May 3, 2010

April 2010 Net Worth

For anyone new to BFS, I post a net worth update at the beginning of every month in order to keep myself motivated and to involve BFS readers.  Please feel free to ask questions, make suggestions, or even post your net worths too.  I am a particpant-motivated blogger, so please jump on in.

I calculate our net worth as listed below.  I don't include the value of our possessions, I round down to the nearest hundred for assets, and I round up to the nearest hundred for liabilities.  I also don't include my husband's pension account since I'm too lazy to keep up with it and it shouldn't actually matter until he retires.

1. Cash - $25,500 (we paid for grad school's 1st summer session...yuck)
2. Stocks - $12,300 ($100 loss...icky)
3. Retirement - $36,000
4. Home - $130,000
5. Cars - $16,000

1. Home - $72,700
2. Car - $9,900  (We made an extra $500 principal payment in mid-April, yay!)

Total Net Worth = $137,200
Increase/Decrease = Up $3800 from last month

That's way better than I was expecting due to grad school.  We've been living on less lately since we've been staying in a lot.  Hubby's been working on grad school and I'm a paid blogging woman now.  Those two link ads on the right brought in $387.80 after Paypal took its cut.  Please feel free to ignore the ads, but I'm so happy.  :-)

I base the value of our home on two things: comparables selling in our neighborhood and the estimated appraisal by Chase Home Value Estimator.  I will always estimate low.

I base the value of our cars on Kelley Blue Book's Private Party Value of our vehicles in "Good" condition truncated down to the nearest $1000.  For example, if my car is valued at $4600, I'd calculate that as $4000.

Please feel free to visit the archive to see our past net worths.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yakezie Alexa Ranking Update - 369,629

BFS is a member of the Yakezie Alexa Ranking Challenge!  My ranking last week was 455,774.  Now it is 369,629!

The ultimate goal is to be in the top 200,000 by July 4, 2010.  I'm giving weekly rank updates in order to track our progress.  Not too shabby for a blog that started at 8,531,858 when it joined the challenge in March 2010!

I would like to sincerely thank all of my readers and the members of the Yakezie Challenge.  Obviously, this would be impossible without all of you.

In case you didn't know, Alexa traffic rankings are determined by the numbers of hits a site gets by people with the Alexa toolbar.  If you want to be part of this ranking community, you can download the Alexa toolbar here.

If you are a Yakezie member and don't see yourself on my member list, please send me an email or leave a comment here to be added, thanks!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekly Favorites and Gratitude!

My Favorite Posts this Week
Blogs that Featured BFS
Thank you for inviting me to your site!

Guest Posts on BFS
Guest posts introduce different points of view, bring in additonal readers, and allow me to take a day off.  Thank you!

If you would like to submit a guest post to BFS, please shoot me an idea or the actual post.  I'd also appreciate a one or two sentence introduction for the piece.  I'll get back to you quickly and will give you as much advance notice as possible on its posting date.

Blog Carnivals that Included BFS
Thanks! I appreciate all the time you spent on the process.  It's a great feeling to be chosen!

Carnival hosts, if BFS is in a blog carnival that you are running, please email me the link so it can be added to this weekly list. Thanks!

Other Info
  • Mrs. Money at Ultimate Money Blog created my awesome new title banner.  I'd highly suggest her services if you're in the market.  Thanks from the girl who couldn't make up her mind!
  • Jackie at Money Crush is hosting a $100 Contest until May 12th in honor of the debt snowball app she created.  Please take a look!

Feel free to email me if you have any suggestions.  I'd love to add a few more blogs to my regular reading list or at least give a shout-out for great posts or contests.

As always, thanks to all the bloggers that teach me something new every day.  Thanks to all my commenters for making this blog the community I want it to be.  Thanks to all my lurkers too.  I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am!