One of my much-appreciated commenters, MikeS, emailed me this CNN article, "Stop Squandering My Inheritance!"
Quick summary: If you want to preserve your inheritance, shower your elderly parents with time and attention.
Really?! Parents actually appreciate being talked to? Say it ain't so!
Okay, I'm dropping the sarcasm stick, but I did find this article extremely amusing for the following reasons:
1. If you don't want to feel like a gold digger, then don't be one! It's your parents' money. Period. Back off. Unless their sanity is actually in question, buzz off bucko! Save for your own retirement and treat an inheritance like I'd treat social would be nice but mostly unexpected.
2. I can't believe actual money was spent on a study to prove that parents rather leave money for loved ones than kids that ignore them...does anybody see a break through here?
3. If you do have actual worries, I think you should approach your parents respectfully. They may tell you to suck it up and buzz off, but that is their perogative.
4. Visiting and talking to your parents JUST because they are about to die seems very wrong.
I hope my parents have tons of fun with their money. My only wishes are that they stay healthy for as long as possible, die late in life, and leave enough money to follow through on their final wishes. They raised three very intelligent, willful, and stubborn children. We will be fine. :-)
What do you think? Did you see this article in a different light?
1 day ago