Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yakezie Alexa Ranking Update - 158,000

BFS is a member of the Yakezie Alexa Ranking Challenge!  My ranking last week was 169,795.  Now it is 158,000!  Not bad!

The ultimate goal was to be in the top 200,000 by July 4, 2010 and you helped me blow that out of the water!  Now we're shooting for 100,000 by July 4th instead.  Yep, we're aiming high!

I would like to sincerely thank all of my readers and the members of the Yakezie Challenge.  Obviously, this would be impossible without all of you.  I'll just come out and say all kick butt!!!

In case you didn't know, Alexa traffic rankings are determined by the numbers of hits a site gets by people with the Alexa toolbar.  If you want to be part of this ranking community, you can download the Alexa toolbar here.  I'd truly appreciate it if you haven't already since I'd like all my readers to be taken into account.  :-)

If you are a Yakezie member and don't see yourself on my member list, please send me an email or leave a comment here to be added.  I copied the list originally and forget to update it regularly.  Please help a girl out.  Thanks!

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