Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yakezie Alexa Ranking Update - 966,708

BFS is a member of the Yakezie Alexa Ranking Challenge!  My ranking last week was 1,514,672.  Now it is 966,708!  Woot!  We're under 1 million!

The ultimate goal is to be in the top 200,000.  I'm giving weekly rank updates in order to track our progress.

I would like to sincerely thank my readers and the members of the Yakezie Challenge

In case you didn't know, Alexa traffic rankings are determined by the numbers of hits a site gets by people with the Alexa toolbar.  If you want to be part of this ranking community, you can download the Alexa toolbar here.

If you are a Yakezie member and don't see yourself on my member list, please send me an email or leave a comment here to be added, thanks!


  1. How funny--I occasionally lurk around your blog but never realized that you were part of the Yakezi challenge--surely all my fault (I'm having a little trouble keeping up.)

    PS--I loved your guest post on Funny about Money.

  2. Simple in France, don't worry, I feel a little left behind too...Yakezie has a lot of members!

    Thanks about the guest post. I hope her shoulder gets better soon...that has to suck...
